Monthly Archives: June 2013

Golfers Massage

Massage Helps Golfers Golf is becoming one of the most popular sports in the world.  Once thought to be more of a mental game, many golfers are finding that being in better physical shape with strong core muscles in your neck, back, and hips, equates… Continue reading

Tennis Elbow Pain Signs

Pain in and around the outside of your elbow could be a sign that you suffer from tennis elbow. Although your tennis backhand can be the culprit, there can be many other causes for your pain. Your elbow joint is connected by muscles, ligaments and… Continue reading

Shoulder Pain Signs

If you have shoulder pain signs, you know it can really get in the way of your daily routine. Shoulder pain can make it difficult for you to drive, sleep, open doors and carry groceries. You may not even be able to lift a gallon… Continue reading

TMJ Pain Signs

If you have ever had pain or clicking when you chew, you are probably very familiar with TMJ pain signs. It is not fun as you know. It can make eating and talking very painful and difficult. Your jaw may be very sore and feel… Continue reading

Sports Massage Benefits

What is a Sports Massage? Are you an athlete looking for ways to help your body achieve more?  A sports massage may give you that extra athletic edge and help you achieve your goals. Sports massage therapy’s main purpose is to help alleviate stress and… Continue reading

Pinched Nerve Signs

Sometimes pain can sneak up on you. One day your feeling fine, then the next day you have pain shooting out of your neck into your shoulder and down your arm. You could have a burning pain in your shoulder blade or numbness and tingling… Continue reading

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage Tips Thinking of getting a massage? Deep Tissue massage focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue or fascia. It is commonly used for people with chronically tight muscles, athletes and injury work. The movements are slow and given with… Continue reading

Piriformis Syndrome Signs

You may have had sciatica, which is pain in the nerve down the back of your leg. There can be many causes of your pain. Most people are aware that disc injuries cause leg pain. Most people are unaware that Piriformis Syndrome can cause your… Continue reading