Golfers Massage

Massage Helps Golfers

Golf is becoming one of the most popular sports in the world.  Once thought to be more of a mental game, many golfers are finding that being in better physical shape with strong core muscles in your neck, back, and hips, equates to less injuries and improved scores! Now more and more golfers are receiving a Golfers Massage before or after their round to help improve their game and improve posture and flexibility.

Golfers Massage “Hot Spots”


Golfers Massage for Pain Relief

Common places were golfers experience pain is around the head, neck and low back. This can occur from tightening up during your golf swing and hitting the ball too hard.  Other areas where soreness and inflammation can develop is between the shoulder blades as well as your hands, forearms and the muscles of the rotator cuff  from gripping and swinging the club.  Since the twisting motion from swinging the golf club uses many of the muscles in the upper body, areas in the back along the spine and throughout the hips, glutes and hamstrings can also become sore and tight.

The Golfers Massage Full Treatment

When I work with you as a golfer, I always asses the “hot spots” for tenderness and inflammation.  My massage sessions for a Golfers Massage typically involves deep tissue work that targets your problem areas.  I also include trigger point work and passive stretching, as well as further focusing on the scapula area, low back, pelvic and hip regions. Lean more here about Golfers Massage.

Many golfers have found that incorporating massage therapy sessions during the busy golf season improves flexibility which helps to minimize injury.  The number one reason why people play golf is for relaxation.  It can be a great stress reducer and time to socialize.  Of course, playing a competitive game and staying out of pain are very important to the enjoyment of the game.  If you are a golfer experiencing pain from the game, you can call our office to schedule a Golfers Massage for yourself.

Yours in Health,

Suzanne Sarro RN BSN LMT

Posted in Massage Therapy