Migraine Headache Symptoms

The most common major symptoms that you have a migraine headache are:


Migraine Headaches Involve the Brain

  • Throbbing pain on the side of your head
  • Pain that stops you from your routine and activities
  • Pain behind your eye
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain that gets worse with bright light or noises
  • Numbness or tingling in your arms, hands, or face
  • Vsion problems such as seeing spots or flashing lights

Migraine Headache Signs

A day or two before your headache begins you could experience:

  • Depression or moodiness
  • Anxiety or nervousness
  • Being very tired or fatigued
  • Being very awake or hyperactive
  • Food cravings and binges

Migraine Headache Triggers

  • Strenuous exercise, sitting with poor posture, car accidents, and changes in weather
  • Emotional stress and worry, anxiety over a full schedule, and ongoing depression
  • Certain foods including: caffeine, wine, cheese, MSG, and hormone changes like PMS

Read more here about Migraine Headache Food Triggers.

Migraine Headache Relief and Treatment

  • Drink water and get hydrated
  • Take magnesium supplements to relax your muscles
  • Take fish oil too reduce inflammation
  • Relax in a dark or dimly lit room
  • Apply Ice packs to your head and neck for pain relief
  • Rest and close your eyes to calm your nervous system
  • Use trigger point release and acupressure
  • Have a Chiropractic Alignment to relax nerves
  • Receive Massage Therapy to relax muscles

Over the past 14 years in practice we have seen many patients gain tremendous relief from all types of headaches through chiropractic and massage therapy treatment. Many patients who had suffered for years with painful headaches resolve their pain within a few weeks of proper treatment. If you need help with headache relief, call our office to schedule an appointment at 781-829-9300. We will help you resolve your pain as soon as possible. These services are provided with no long term patient obligation or commitment.

Sincerely Yours in Health,

Dr. Jack Sarro

Posted in Back Pain Relief