Trigger Point Easy Self-Care

 Quick Guide to Trigger Point Self-Care

Do you have muscle knots also known as Trigger Points? They can be painful. I am going to show you how to get rid of them. They are actually bound-up bands of irritable muscle fibers. These painful points can be felt like a nodule in the muscle tissue.  A Trigger Point can spread to adjacent areas and even trigger other points. The good news is, most minor Trigger Points are relatively self treatable.

What Activates Painful Trigger Points?

Many different factors can activate a trigger point including muscle overload, stress, trauma, accidents (including auto), infections or even smoking.  Palpation of a Trigger Point reproduces the pain, which then can radiate to the specific muscle that is harboring the trigger point.

How can I Treat my Trigger Points?


Trigger Point Therapy Self Tools

Self treatment can take place in many similar fashions. All of the various forms of treatment involve massaging the area using a few simple and different tools. The basic tools include your hands, a foam roller a tennis ball.

Depending on the Trigger Point, starting to apply pressure may be quite painful, so start slowly.  The muscle should slowly soften and relax during the massage work. You can start by placing the foam roller or tennis ball under the area to be worked.  Start rolling back and forth slowly over the tool, allowing the muscle to slowly release.  Initially you may feel a tightening of the muscle  but the muscle fibers will slowly relax, unwind and release.  Take some deep breaths and continue to roll until you feel like the area has loosed up and the pain has diminished.

Trigger Point Therapy into your Busy Day

A tennis ball rolled under the arch of your foot feels great! Also, this tool can be incorporated almost any time that you are seated and busy on the computer etc. This technique feels great and doesn’t  take any “extra” time in your day.

I have found that using the foam roller can be done quite easily while catching a little of the evening news. This is a creative way to make good use of your time and do something that is also good for your body with very little extra effort.

If you would rather have someone else work on your Trigger Points, both Dr. Sarro and myself work on clients with Trigger Point Pain as a regular part of our practice. We also have foam rollers available for sale in the office if you would like to start your own self therapy. Dr. Sarro or myself would be more than happy to demonstrate a few techniques to get you started.

Read more here about Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy.

Trigger Point Therapy Experience the Results

It is important to remember that Trigger Points respond better to frequent treatment than they do to extended treatment. Start slow, have fun, experiment with the above mentioned tools, and stick with it. I think you will really enjoy the results!

Suzanne Sarro LMT

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