Abdominal Bloating Solutions

More than likely you have had abdominal bloating from time to time just as I have had.  It can be a very uncomfortable feeling physically and also look bad! So what causes gas to accumulate and wreak havoc on how you look and feel?  There is good news! Abdominal bloating can be avoided pretty easily with a little knowledge and effort. So here are five tips to help you look better in your favorite jeans.

Slow Down when You Eat

Eating too fast can lead to swallowing too much air.  This can leave you feeling bloated, so it is important to slow down and chew your food well.  Remember, digestion starts in the mouth.  Also, by slowing down while eating, you will savor and enjoy your food more.  It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you are full, so eating slowly could help you loose weight too because you don’t overeat.

Rule-Out Food Allergies or Intolerance


Water is an Abdominal Bloating Solution

Wheat and Dairy are common foods that cause bloating and gas.  This could be due to an intolerance and/or food allergy.  If you suspect that you may not be tolerating these foods well, remove them from you diet for 30 days.  Note if you feel less abdominal bloating and remember overeating on starchy foods, such as breads and cookies, lead to excessive bacterial fermentation in your digestive track, increasing abdominal bloating and discomfort.

Physical Activity to Reduce Abdominal Bloating

Jump-starting some physical activity can also help with abdominal bloating. Exercise, such as running or aerobics, activates the sweat glands that release extra fluids that the body could be retaining. A short 15-20 minute walk around the neighborhood after dinner can help with digestion and beat abdominal bloating. Abdominal exercises are also helpful in reducing abdominal bloating because they activate the abdominal muscles which help food move through the bowels. Exercise also helps you release stress, and can help improve stress overeating.

Carbonated Beverages, Chewing Gum and Artificial Sweeteners

Carbonated beverages can add to abdominal bloating because the gas bubbles can get trapped in your stomach, while chewing gum can cause you to swallow air which also leads to abdominal bloating.  Consumption of too much artificial sweeteners can also contribute to abdominal bloating because they are made from gas producing sugar alcohol that our digestive track can’t digest and absorb.

Stay Hydrated with Water and Reduce Abdominal Bloating

Drinking water may be the best quick fix for abdominal bloating. Water restores the sodium balance in the body and normalizes your digestive tract.  By staying hydrated with water, you body can regulate its delicate fluid and electrolyte balance. Eight-8 oz glasses per day is about right for most adults. Read here for more details on Abdominal Bloating and Distension.


Suzanne Sarro RN BSN LMT

Posted in Health Tips

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