Posts written by Dr. Jack F. Sarro D.C.

Shoulder Pain Signs

If you have shoulder pain signs, you know it can really get in the way of your daily routine. Shoulder pain can make it difficult for you to drive, sleep, open doors and carry groceries. You may not even be able to lift a gallon… Continue reading

TMJ Pain Signs

If you have ever had pain or clicking when you chew, you are probably very familiar with TMJ pain signs. It is not fun as you know. It can make eating and talking very painful and difficult. Your jaw may be very sore and feel… Continue reading

Pinched Nerve Signs

Sometimes pain can sneak up on you. One day your feeling fine, then the next day you have pain shooting out of your neck into your shoulder and down your arm. You could have a burning pain in your shoulder blade or numbness and tingling… Continue reading

Piriformis Syndrome Signs

You may have had sciatica, which is pain in the nerve down the back of your leg. There can be many causes of your pain. Most people are aware that disc injuries cause leg pain. Most people are unaware that Piriformis Syndrome can cause your… Continue reading

Carpal Tunnel Signs

Do you wake up in the morning with numbness and tingling in your hands? Do you experience hand and wrist pain and weakness after writing or using hand tools? If you have these complaints, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is… Continue reading

Fibromyalgia Pain Signs

Many of you may already know that Fibromyalgia pain appears to be on the rise among both men and women. I see more and more patients seeking relief of this condition each year in our Hanover office. Signs typically include widespread aches, soreness, and tender points in… Continue reading

Migraine Headache Symptoms

The most common major symptoms that you have a migraine headache are: Throbbing pain on the side of your head Pain that stops you from your routine and activities Pain behind your eye Nausea and vomiting Pain that gets worse with bright light or noises… Continue reading

Neck Pain Symptoms

Do you hear grinding, clicking, or popping when you rotate your neck side to side? Maybe you wake up often with a stiff neck, or have limited range of motion? A few of the more common signs you may have an underlying condition can include… Continue reading

Plantar Fasciitis Signs

Do you wake up in the morning, step out of bed, and say “ouch!” from foot or heel pain? If you push on the bottom of your foot are there any painful tender spots? When you walk or play sports do you feel pain when… Continue reading

Disc Injury Signs

Do you have pain when you sit, or pain that radiates into your leg? Do you have difficulty straightening up or getting out of a chair? Do you feel bent or twisted when you stand? These are very common symptoms I see in patients, and they… Continue reading